Monday 9 January 2012

The Inbetweeners Movie

Genre- comedy

Overview-4 socially troubled 18 year olds from the South of England go on holiday to Malia.

Directors- Ben Palmer

Production company or compain-Bwark Production & Young Films
Any other companies involved-Film 4 (funding)

When was this released? is this a significant time?- 17th August 2011, this is near the end of the summer, when most young adults are going on holiday with friends.

How many screens was it realease on here and in the USA-475

-what sort of Narrative expectations do you develop?- funny and happy sort of film, it makes the viewer realise it is a fun film, it shows teenagers as they really are on holiday and is entertaining
-how successful do you consider the trailer to be?-very successful as it shows the film all the way through giving the viewer a better idea of what it is about, it also highlights the funny parts and the most entertaining parts to entice viewers to go and see it.

Poster Campaign?
How does it sell the film?- yes because the poser is eye catching and bright and shows the reader the characters staring in the film, because the inbetweeners is also a tv series people looking at the poster will recognise the actors if they are an inbetweeners fan and therefore want to see the movie!
Consider the use of internet in the marketing of the film
what sort of things were done?

Was/Is there any merchandise available alongside the film, or promos in the way of things like happy meals/giveaways/competitions- Sound track CD.

  • was there a soundtrack?  Is there any significance/relationship to who the artist is or what the song is?- Part all night by sean kingston, this is a song that works well with the inbetweeners because the lyrics are sleep all day and party all night which relates to young adults going on holiday with friends

  • y

  • who are the audience, what are their needs and how have they been targetted? - the audiendce are 15+, they are targetted by the teenagers being at college at the start and the relating to teenagers by their characteristics.

  • what was the commercial (i.e. $ + £) and critical success (reviewers responses) of the film?-

  • £41 800000 commercial success
    The Critical success was good foer the film as the ratings and comments were mainly positive, its difficult to get every viewer to enjoy  a movie but the majority were a fan.

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